Thursday, June 21, 2012

Week 4 Wimba-Art of Possibility Post

It was frustrating not to be able to type during Wimba. However, we had a great discussion. Reflecting on Art of Possibility was really interesting. I enjoyed the book. The chapters that we read always gave me food for thought. I am interested in Chapter 3, Giving an A, this idea really opens up the discussion about grading. I have suggested to the administration at my school to have this as a discussion during a staff meeting. Four times a year we have a "World Cafe" staff meeting. A topic is chosen and it is discussed during dinner. It is a very good way to spend time together and share ideas.

I also will use this topic to create a discussion with my middle school students. I have not decided exactly how I will present the lesson, but I am working on it. Back to Wimba it is always great to hear everyone's thoughts and ideas. So thanks Professor for a great month.

1 comment:

  1. I was reminded this week of the dedication that you've shown to attending Wimba sessions this entire year. You've had to watch while still teaching; enduring endless Wimba malfunctions. Your dedication hasn't gone unnoticed, Melinda. I applaud you for your tenacity. Thanks for being such a superb team member this past year. It has been my honor to work alongside you as we've walked this journey together!
